Christ the King Squires Program

“Education for Nobility”- Christ the King is an accredited K-8 school dedicated to forming future saints. At Christ the King Catholic School, we are rediscovering and recapturing the rewards of what it means to place Jesus Christ, the Logos, at the center of what we teach. We are retrieving a rich history of faith-building in our community and implemented a classical liberal arts educational model to revive the great legacy of the Catholic tradition.
What is the Squires Program? The Squires Program makes certain classes available to homeschool families, including: Art, Music, PE, Recess & Library, math, science, Latin, and the humanities.
When is it offered? The CTK Squires Program is a drop-off program, with classes offered in full on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Students will participate with existing classes and their schedules. Students are welcome to participate in any additional activities such as, field trips, all-school masses, and special occasions on days outside of the Tues/Wed/Thurs schedule with the advanced approval of the Principal at no additional cost. Class schedules will be shared as soon as they are finalized.
What does it cost? Tuition for the CTK Squires Program is determined by your status as parishioner or non-parishioner. Enrolled families will pay 2⁄5 of the total tuition cost per student, with discounts for multiple members of the same family. The enrollment fee is waived for CTK parishioners. For non-parishioners, the annual enrollment fee is $75 per child.
When is tuition due? If you choose to pay monthly, tuition is due the 5th of each month and you will be charged a one-time processing fee of $45. We accept cash, check, credit card, or ACH withdrawals. Tuition refunds will be prorated to the end of the month of withdrawal. The enrollment/ supply fee is nonrefundable.
Are uniforms required? Yes. Homeschool students are required to abide by the uniform policy in the student handbook.
What is the Squires Program? The Squires Program makes certain classes available to homeschool families, including: Art, Music, PE, Recess & Library, math, science, Latin, and the humanities.
When is it offered? The CTK Squires Program is a drop-off program, with classes offered in full on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Students will participate with existing classes and their schedules. Students are welcome to participate in any additional activities such as, field trips, all-school masses, and special occasions on days outside of the Tues/Wed/Thurs schedule with the advanced approval of the Principal at no additional cost. Class schedules will be shared as soon as they are finalized.
What does it cost? Tuition for the CTK Squires Program is determined by your status as parishioner or non-parishioner. Enrolled families will pay 2⁄5 of the total tuition cost per student, with discounts for multiple members of the same family. The enrollment fee is waived for CTK parishioners. For non-parishioners, the annual enrollment fee is $75 per child.
When is tuition due? If you choose to pay monthly, tuition is due the 5th of each month and you will be charged a one-time processing fee of $45. We accept cash, check, credit card, or ACH withdrawals. Tuition refunds will be prorated to the end of the month of withdrawal. The enrollment/ supply fee is nonrefundable.
Are uniforms required? Yes. Homeschool students are required to abide by the uniform policy in the student handbook.